Release Date:2 April 2009 Origin : Indonesia Genre:Comedy Director :Monty Tiwa Starring: Tora Sudiro, Revalina S. Temat, Vincent Rompies, Jaja Mihardja, Gading Marten, Dwi Sasono, Wiwid Gunawan, Tessy, Joe P Project, Tarzan, Francine Roosenda, Marwoto, Debby Sahertian, Eron Lebang, Mat Solar, Clara Sinta, Yati Pesek, Harry Pantja, Eddy Karsito
Because of carrying out the fatal mistake on the agenda rakernas a big Bagyo party must lose his work. The disaster made his marriage plan with Ani be threatened with being cancelled. What next Abdul, the father Ani indeed did not like him. Bagyo was forced to have to look for the method was best for brought about his dream of being sharp with Ani.
In the middle of the difficulty the other bigger disaster came to strike Bagyo. Money for the cost of his parents of coming applied to Jakarta was stolen by a herd of the criminal. Because of not keeping the repeated Bagyo pressure of becoming dark the eyes. He went to look for people who carried his money off to demand replied.
By chance the criminals were robbing a famous artist named Atika. The action failed because of Bagyo suddenly to emerge and immediately thrashed them through to bruised. Without disengaja the Bagyo action made Atika escape from the danger. The incident then had long consequences.
Bagyo was praised as the hero. He was worshipped-praised because of being regarded as willing to make a sacrifice to rescue Atika that was not powerful. The Bagyo story of courage became the big news. His name at once was the subject of conversation in various national medias and the area.
The Bagyo popularity then was made use of by an upper plank political party to rake in the mass support in the legislative election. Bagyo that fell asleep with his status as the public's figure welcomed the party's offer fully the conviction. He then departed to campaign in Wadasrejo, an area was isolated that his people lived very the lack.
There, Bagyo that did not have the political experience anything experienced the difficulty of attracting attention. Evidently the Wadasrejo community did not know his noose completely. Bagyo must look for the mind to introduce himself and attract the sympathy of villagers terbelakang that.
Evidently Bagyo found the other reality that was more important than fame and the popularity. The village community more knew what most was needed by them. They more appreciated honesty and the sincerity than pompous words that were sold off in a political campaign.
Bagyo (Tora Sudiro) dituduh mengacau acara rakernas sebuah partai besar pimpinan Zainuddin (Joe Project P). Karena insiden itu Bagyo harus kehilangan pekerjaannya. Musibah itu membuat rencana pernikahannya dengan Ani (Revalina S. Temat) terancam batal. Apa lagi Abdul (Jaja Mihardja), ayah Ani memang tidak menyukainya. Bagyo terpaksa harus mencari cara untuk mewujudkan impiannya bersama Ani
Sekumpulan perampok sedang merampok seorang artis terkenal, Atika (Wiwid Gunawan). Aksi itu gagal karena Bagyo tiba-tiba muncul dan menghajar mereka. Atika luput dari bahaya
Bagyo disanjung sebagai pahlawan. Namanya langsung jadi buah bibir di berbagai media nasional maupun daerah. Ketenaran Bagyo dimanfaatkan oleh sebuah partai politik papan atas untuk menggaet dukungan massa. Bagyo dirayu oleh sang ketua partai, Wibowo (Tarzan) dan asistennya Dani (Dwi Sasono). Ditemani bekas anak buahnya yang bernama Jereng (Vincent Rompies) Ia pun berangkat untuk berkampanye di Wadasrejo, sebuah daerah terpencil yang rakyatnya hidup serba kekurangan
Ternyata masyarakat Wadasrejo tidak mengenal sosoknya sama sekali. Bagyo harus mencari akal untuk memperkenalkan diri dan menarik simpati warga. Bagyo menemukan kenyataan lain yang lebih penting daripada nama besar dan popularitas. Masyarakat desa lebih tahu apa yang paling mereka butuhkan. Produser Chand Parvez Produksi Stravision Sutradara Monty Tiwa Penulis Eric Tiwa Pemain Tora Sudiro Revalina S. Temat Vincent Rompies H. Jaja Mihardja Gading Marten Dwi Sasono Wiwid Gunawan
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