Release Date: 30 April 2009 Origin: Indonesia Genre: Horror Director : Mamahit Luigi Donie Starring: Mario Pratama, Shiddiq Kamidi, Trio Macan (nurlela & Teman), Yurike Prastica
Adalah Gono (Mario Pratama), pemuda buruk rupa bergigi tonggos yang kurang tahu diri. Tanpa mempedulikan keburukan wajahnya ia tergila-gila padaTrio Macan yang menjadi idola blantika dangdut. Begitu terobsesinya Gono denganTrio Macan itu, Ia melakukan segala macam cara. Akibatnya ia dihajar para tukang pukul anak buah Oma Susi (Yurike Prastica), bos Trio Macan
Di masa kecilnya Trio macan punya pengalaman seram, pernah diculik dan disembunyikan oleh hantu Kolongwewe... Gono yang tak kenal putus asa, didorong sahabatnya, Coki (Shiddiq Kamidi), meminta bantuan dukun sakti Ki Riman Banyu. Maka ia mewarisi Tali Kolor Kolongwewe, jimat penakluk wanita, termasuk Trio Macan. Bukan pusaka itu saja, wajah Gono pun berubah menjadi gagah ganteng Namun gara-gara kecerobohannya, Gono terjerembab ke bawah jemuran pakaian dalam wanita. Justru ini melanggar pantangan yang melibatkannya pada masalah besar, ia mendapat teror berkepanjangan dari Kolongwewe! Seseram apakah hantu Kolongwewe? Bagaimana cara Gono menghadapinya?
Inilah film pertama tentang hantu Kolongwewe, sekaligus juga debutan bagi TRIO MACAN
Synopsis:Told a story about a bad young man the form and toothed tonggos that was named Gono. Not only that, Gono also did not know itself and really was crazy about the trio of the Tiger. He dared to do any in order to approach the Trio of the Tiger, although must until dipukuli by the boss's subordinate of the Trio of the Tiger.
Like that terobsesi him with the Trio of the Tiger, Gono until could learn that the Trio of the Tiger had the hair-raising childhood experience. That is kidnapped by the ghost Kolongwewe. Gono that had not lost hope, had finally asked help of a Supernatural Power shaman to be named Ki Riman Banyu. Gono then finally had been inherited the drawstring rope KolongWewe as the charm of the female conqueror. The Gono face then became good-looking and handsome. Because careless, Gono even was involved in the problem that was big that is falling headlong under laundry of female underwear. As a result now Gono diganggui by the ghost Kolongwewe.
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